Friday, April 11, 2008

Gena's Knees

Recently, Gena Showalter, my dear friend and one of my FAVORITE authors, was involved in a serious interpretive dance accident. Though the "choreographer" Jill Monroe (another friend and great author) claims Gena is not seriously injured, I have used spectral analysis of Gena's knees to show just how deep the bruising is.

Amazingly enough, the patterns of her bruises seem to form the faces of Lucien and Maddox, the heroes of her first 2 Lords of the Underworld Novels (BTW, I've read both ARCs, and these are Gena's BEST yet - but wear gloves when you pick them up because these covers are hot enough to singe your fingers!!). Lucien is the Keeper of Death and Maddox is the Keeper of Violence - appropriate considering the trauma my dear friend has obviously gone through. You can see her interpretive dance at Author Talk. Click on the Kresley Cole interrogation...oops...I mean "interview."

If you're wondering about Reyes, Keeper of Pain, all you have to do is look at Gena's derriere to see the damage:

I know - it's painful to look at.
So let's all help heal Gena's poor knees. I think buying copies of her latest releases and upcoming releases will send a wave of healing love. (And perhaps a can of Nair for her behind).