Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Hunk

Jason O'Mara is an Irish actor currently starring on InJustice, Firday nights at 8:00. Previously, he was on THE AGENCY - an excellent show with an outstanding cast about the CIA. I don't understand why it was cancelled - and of course, they cancelled in the middle of a story arc, leaving us hanging.

InJustice is about a privately funded group that investigates legal cases where the convicted person is innocent - they try to prove it. The network reran the series premiere on Friday, and I was very impressed. It's funny, gripping, and touching.

O'Mara does an excellent American accent, and plays a tough guy (former cop) with a sensitive side. Kyle McLachlan is also in the show.


Michele said...

Yeah, he does have possibilities in the YUM department.
Does he have a fan site yet?

I wish I havae photoshop...oh the fun I could have.
Is it an easy to get program?
Like Circuit City or Best Buy???

You make me think of all kinds of things I could do with that kind of ability....

Kelli McBride said...

Photoshop is just the verb used to designate this kind of shenanigans. It is a program by Adobe, but I don't use it. I mostly use FIREWORKS 3.0, a program that is part of Macromedia's Dreamweaver Suite for web design. You can also use any number of programs that come free with scanners and printers, or Corel Photopaint. My sister like Photoimpact - a program you can buy and download from the internet.

Today, just about any decent photo software will allow you to do this, but it takes practice to learn how to crop, mask, erase, touch up, and clone... I'm still learning, and I've been doing this for nearly 10 years.

Anonymous said...

I love Injustice and his character in it :)

Kelli McBride said...

Did you ever see him on THE AGENCY? He was so sexy, and the interaction between him and the female agent was wonderful. They both would run rings around the other, trading off one-up-manships. You know: manly alpha male meets gorgeous, smart alpha female.

Anonymous said...

No, but that sounds awesome!